Don't Fear the Type System

There’s been a lot of talk about static types recently. I’ve especially noticed that folks who usually work with dynamically typed languages have become big proponents of static typing – and I count myself amongst them.

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Additional Guidelines For (Redux) Project Structure

In this series we are looking at code organization in the context of a React and Redux application. The takeaways for the “Three Rules” presented here should be applicable to any application, not just React/Redux.

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Why You Need Types

Dynamically typed languages like JavaScript provide a lot of expressiveness and power to the programmer. By not having to think about strict types, a program is more maleable since it will run no matter what, allowing the programmer to write code very quickly.

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Three Rules For Structuring (Redux) Applications

In this series we are looking at code organization in the context of a React and Redux application. The takeaways for the “Three Rules” presented here should be applicable to any application, not just React/Redux.

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The Little Idea of Functional Programming

A little known fact about me is that I took Wing Chun lessons for four months back in 2006. A student starting in Wing Chun will begin by learning the first form, called Siu Lim Tao (小練頭). This form’s name translates to “little idea,” and it provides the foundation in which succeeding forms and techniques depend upon.

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